June 16, 2022

Join me for Time’s Up! Gun Violence Town Hall

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Dear neighbor,

Survey Question: Do you think that Congress needs to enact common sense gun control? 

  • YES

  • NO

(Disclaimer: By selecting “Yes” or “No” and answering this survey you will automatically sign-up to our email opt-in list to receive further updates) 

Join me for a telephone- town hall and panelist discussion focused on gun violence and prevention, and the legislative priorities needed to make our communities safer this Tuesday, June 21 at 7:30 p.m. We’ll be covering various aspects of gun violence, including mass shootings, domestic violence, and   traditional masculinity. I’ll be joined by Gary Barker, PhD, President & CEO of Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice and Ted Alcorn, journalist & NYU professor, and former founding research director of Everytown for Gun Safety

There is too much pain and suffering in our society. We have to stop and pause life right now to look at what we’re doing. It cannot be business as usual. We have to talk. We have to think. We have to love. I hope you’re able to join us, so that we can do some of this together. 

To RSVP for this virtual town hall register at bowman.house.gov/live or call 833-998-0893 to listen in. 

If you have any questions and/or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out as well. I look forward to having you join me and continuing to serve you. 

Peace and Love, 

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16)